Rigorous math for a sample 100% efficient heat engine model

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Math of two cylinder, no compression engine with counter flow heat exchanger heat recovery..

How do you do the math?

This cycle depends on only 2 well known devices with 2 equally well known properties. Below is a graph showing the cycle on Volume Pressure Plot. The Calculations are based on
            Heat = Volume-Beta
            Work = Heat initial - Heat Final,
            where Beta for air is 0.4.
(Beta is 1 less than Gamma, as work is also integral of Volume-Gamma. Integral of xN is x(N+1)/(N+1))
Using the volume pressure graph for air,
            choose 1 Liter as unit volume
            1 Bar as unit pressure
            then Work per unit area = 10 Newtons/cm2 times 10 cm2*Meters or 100 Newton-meters or Joules
            and Heat energy per unit area = 100 Joules / Beta (0.4) or 250 Joules of heat per unit area.

From these formulas all work and heat can be calculated. Those calculated values shown on following graph.

Cycle Analysis Graph