What is Thermodynamics? What is a Heat Engine?


Thermodynamics is? What is Thermodynamics?

A Heat Engine is? What is a Heat Engine?

Kinds of Heat Engines There are Two Types of Heat Engines (or are there?)

You get work how? How is Heat Converted to Work?

Work can make Heat? How is Work Converted to Heat?

Work ratio The math of the Heat ratio and Work ratio

Foreword: The only thing you really need to know, in order to pretty much understand Thermodynamics, is:
Energy = Heat + Work. Anything that does not add up, is wrong.
Fair warning, this chapter contains an Integral equation here and there, which start with one of these symbols: ∫.
That means the area under a curve. On Pressure vs Volume Graphs, that means Work.
If you are not happy with ∫ signs, just skip those bits. I have to put them there or the professors clinging to the Myths won't understand the Maths.