Faux theorems, real theorems.


Faux Carnot Theorems Faux Carnot Theorems, mythology of disappearing energy

Carnot-Kelvin Theorem Carnot-Kelvin Theorem, There can be no engine that produces more work from heat.

Bill Theorem Bill Theorem 1, There can be no engine that produces less work from heat,
than produced by a reversible engine, whether the engine is reversible or irreversible.
and Corollaries

Carnot theorems Carnot's assertions stated as Theorems.

Kelvin theorems Kelvin's assertions stated as Theorems.

Disproved theorems Assertions and theorems inconsistent with current physics models of heat, gases, movement and energy.

More theorems FuelScience.org offers more theories of Heat Engines, a respectful addendum to the work of past physicists.