Of all the stuff with Carnot's name glued on, which did he actually author?

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Would Sadi Carnot want his name on that?.

Stuff he authored, with his name on it.

The Carnot Cycle.
(Which he authored in "Reflections", but did not call the Carnot Cycle.)


Stuff he did not author, but his name is still on it.

The Carnot Limit.
(which is nonsense, and he never wrote anything even remotely similar, neither did Kelvin).

The Carnot Ratio,
(which is applicable to the Work Curve, but Carnot did not author it, or refer to the concept.)

The Carnot Theorems 1 and 2,
All irreversible heat engines between two heat reservoirs are less efficient than a Carnot engine operating between the same reservoirs.
(which is nonsense).

All reversible heat engines between two heat reservoirs are equally efficient with a Carnot engine operating between the same reservoirs.
(which is maybe sort of true, but better stated if you strike "reversible" out. Also, no engines operate between heat reservoirs, because there is no cold reservoir, and no way for an engine to benefit from a cold reservoir. The Carnot Cycle is one of a special class of engine cycles unbounded by the temperature limits. And Carnot did not author it. Ok, we should go with "not true".)

The Carnot Efficiency,
(which is at best misleading. The Carnot efficiency is a misnomer for Carnot Ratio. Carnot did not author it, and it reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of what is happening in an energy conversion or an engine cycle.)