Thermodynamics is relative.

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Everything is relative. Temperature, heat engines, pressure.

Black Bodies and Baseballs

A Black body gives off light at wavelengths based on the temperature of the black body. Oddly enough, stars are black bodies.

If a body is very very cold, it appears black. It emits light at really low frequencies, and not much of that.

So, if you point your telescope to a black part of the sky, perhaps you see nothing because nothing is there, or perhaps the light is being sucked in by a black hole, or perhaps you are "not seeing" a star at near absolute zero hurtling at Earth at half the speed of light. (Or away or to the left. Toward Earth seemed more dramatic.) When that star gets here and touches our orbital thermometer just before crashing into Earth, what temperature will that thermometer read? (Who cares, I mean its not like anyone will check what it said).

Lets get down to Earth. Freeze a baseball. Really really cold, as close to 0° Kelvin as we can make it. Now pick it up. Nasty frostbite, might freeze your whole hand if you don't drop it quickly. Very cold.

Now maybe the baseball is on a train going 50 miles per hour (mph). And the train is at the equator, going 1000 miles per hour around Earth's axis. (Earth is 24,000 miles around, 24 hours in a day, faster than the speed of sound! Why doesn't the equator sonic boom constantly?). The Earth is going 67,000 mph around the Solar system's axis. The solar system is going 500,000ish miles per hour around the axis of the galaxy. The Galaxy is traveling < some really big number? > somewhere.

Now catch the baseball at 50 mph, it might sting without a glove, and if you hang on to it, it might still freeze your hand. At 1000 miles per hour, it takes you hand off. At 67,000 miles per hour your hand vaporizes as does the baseball, and at 500,000 miles per hour your hand turns to plasma, naked electrons and protons and such. By a very very cold object? When heat is just motion?

This concept is not new, but never been pointed out as a fundamental property or Law of heat. Weather stations measure both wind speed and temperature, but at very cold temperatures (in the arctic regions), a wind of a given speed will show some minimum temperature.

However, the same thermometer matching wind speed will measure a lower temperature.

Wind speeds on Neptune and Uranus have been measured at about a thousand-ish miles per hour, they flow at different rates based on latitude, a kind of jet stream all grown up. Those same wind's clouds show an extremely cold black body temperature In other words, their rotation around their planet is similar to the ultra cold baseball. The molecules have almost no relative motion to each other, but the collective velocity is great. A thermometer at a fixed point (relative to the planet) would read a very high temperature, a thermometer matching wind speed a very low temperature - the black body temperature

Fifth Law of Thermodynamics: Thermodynamics is Relative

If current theory of heat is correct, Temperature, the measure of thermal equilibrium, is a measure of the average momentum of the molecules coming in contact.

Theorem: Since heat is average molecular momentum in random directions, and temperature is the measure of that average, temperature is indistinguishable from organized momentum, or momentum of molecules in the same direction.

Fifth Law:

Everything in thermodynamics is relative. Temperature is relative to a frame of reference of motion, not an absolute property of a body. Thermodynamic conversions are relative to a starting point, all changes are relative to initial volume, initial heat, initial temperature, initial pressure. In vapor phase, the ratios of relative changes are always the same. The absolute volume, temperature, pressure, are independent of the system behavior for the same relative changes.

Corollary 1:

The behavior of materials, such as black body radiation, traditionally related to temperature are the result of relative speeds of the molecules making up the body, not the absolute speed of molecules, which depends on a frame of reference.

Corollary 2:

The thermal behavior of bodies coming into contact, depends on the relative speeds of the bodies of molecules when they contact. So the temperature of each body, relative to itself, is always lower than the same temperature measured from a body in motion being collided with.

Corollary 3: A heat engines behavior is linked to the outside world only be the forces acting on it. A pressure envelope is equivalent to a given force, such as a weight. The temperature of the pressure envelope cannot affect the operation of a heat engine. All conversions will be of the same shape, magnitude and percentage if they begin with the forces imbalanced by the same multiple.