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Just don't get Thermodynamics

That's what a science and development manager of a Major US Auto company told me. "I just don't get Thermodynamics". We were discussing an engine design he believed was "too efficient", so it must be impossible. Did not even look at the math.

You might think that a company producing 10% efficient engines would be interested in taking a look. Even if you beleived the infamous "limit", its well over 50% for automotive engine temperatures. Auto manufacturers have abundance of room to improve.

At first I though I'd just whip up a few references explaining the Work Ratio and get by that little obstacle. Only to find, yes indeed, many sources, prominent Physics Texts, Universities, still teaching 200 year old Thermodynamics Engine theory. Hot and Cold sources, "Carnot" Limit between the ratio of Cold to Hot Source temperatures. The more I looked the more I found just wrong. To me, quite obviously wrong.

The most telling proof is we use electricity produced at efficiencies in violation of the "Carnot" limit every day. Compressed air powered cars. No one seems to mind that we use engines every day that show the "limit" is simply nonsense.

This represents several years of research and work. I stumbled across quite a few of my own misconceptions along the way, so I have tried to check my work, but by all means if you find an error please contact me.

If this site helps you "Get Thermodynamics", tell your auto company. :-)


About The Author.

William Kelley, middle age.

Attended Rice University 1975 to 1979, graduated with BS and Masters in Electrical Engineering.

One day I saw on a TV science show that cars were only 10% efficient.
Obviously wrong! And went to do the math myself. Found out the math was right.
10% driving around town.

Working since on fixing engine efficiency, focusing on Auto Engines, but also working on the general problem. Eventually came up with heat Recycling Engine designs for auto that are cheaper and simpler than 4 cycle engines, require no cooling, and have a theoretical efficiency of 60% to 75%, at any speed. Multiple Patents Pending. Steam Turbine Efficiencies of 90+%.

These are not small problems for the world. Fuel costs are soaring, supplies dwindling, and CO2 dumped into the atmosphere by cars at a rate 10 times more than necessary.

All mankind's attempts until now at increase in fuel efficiency get tiny results. We have the science wrong, so the engineering we got from that science is also wrong. It can be so much better.

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