A class of Heat Recycling Air engines

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Patents Pending can be discussed only in general terms without non-disclosure.
Serious interest from manufacturers or investors is welcome.

Economic characteristics

Simpler than a 4 stroke Engine.

Cheaper to build than a 4 stroke engine.

Less exact tolerances on parts is acceptable, also lowering cost.

Applications are Automotive, AC generation via Piston or Turbine, Industrial engines, small tool engines (gasoline engine replacement), propeller driven aircraft.

Fuel efficiency will be in the range 50% to 90%, depending on design parameters.

Not applicable to Jet engines.

Quieter operation.

Lower vibration.

Lower heat emission.

Lower CO2 emission.

Physical Characteristics

Approximately 12 interrelated patent pending devices allow several configurations of heat recycling piston and fuel fired turbine engines.

Relative to a 4 stroke engine, all these engines:

Are heat recycling.

Can achieve at least the "Temperature ratio" efficiency, with lowest net efficiency of 50%.

Highest net efficiency is unbounded (100%) but practical limits are more likely at around 90%.

Do not require cooling, as they are thermodynamically cooled.

Can have operating limits of temperature and pressure adjusted to be suitable for different material's limits.

Have higher average net pressures, meaning higher power and higher torque.

Have fewer moving parts, less exacting dimensions.

Much lower peak temperature Much lower loss due to unproductive heat loss.

Much lower peak pressure. Much lower losses to "blow by".

About the same net volume and less mass.

Thermodynamically cooled. (No water cooling system, pump or radiator.)