A low cost, low part count, high efficiency thermodynamic DC Generator.
Performing 10 to 40 kilowatt in 1 to 2 cubic feet allows application to electric automobiles.
Hydrogen power comparable in size, power and efficiency to fuel cells, 100 times cheaper.

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Patents Pending can be discussed only in general terms without non-disclosure.
Serious interest from manufacturers or investors is welcome.

Economic characteristics

A higher efficiency lower cost replacement for gasoline powered generators to recharge electric batteries for electric automobiles and trucks.

Cheaper than AC Generators.

Hydrogen capable at 75% efficiency.

100 times cheaper than comparable sized Fuel Cell stack. $100 per 1 kilowatt capacity vs $10,000 per kilowatt capacity.

Economically viable zero pollution mobile car engine. So cheap it is immediately competitive with gasoline powered cars.


Physical characteristics

Smaller, lighter engine than 4 stroke engines used in AC generators.

Smaller electrical components than AC generators.

No efficiency penalty for lower speed operation.

Very few moving parts compared to an AC Generator.

A "Natural" DC generator, not a rectified AC Generator, no high current rectifier cost, reliability issues or losses.

Thermodynamically cooled.