Why is complete conversion in both directions not equally easy

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Asymmetry means that conversion in one direction behaves differently than conversion in the other.

Conversion from Work

When a vapor engine is "reversed" the Work applied to it is immediately and COMPLETELY converted to Heat.

An "Enclosable" engine in reverse is not a Heat Pump as are most engine cycles. Since a Strictly Reversible engine operated in reverse, would convert work to heat, but could not use additional energy, it could not cool anything by taking its heat energy from its environment. The enclosable engine must keep a portion of heat energy stored to operate, whether it is operated forward or reverse.

A "Sloppy Reversible" engine can be operated as a heat pump. All engine cycles using compression are "Sloppy Reversible" cycles.

Asymmetric Heat Conversion

Heat is instantly converted to Work on Volume Expansion of vapor. However, here is the asymmetry Unlike Work, Heat is INCOMPLETELY converted.

The first law of Thermodynamics (and physics one could say), is conservation of energy.
Energy = Work + Heat.
If you start with only heat, and convert to work, an EQUAL portion of work is created from an EQUAL portion oh Heat. A 100% efficient transformation, as required by the first law.

Why is it required? If less work was received, Work + Heat would no longer add up to initial Energy.

Asymmetrical Heat Remainder
Is the Heat Remaining after conversion of some Heat to Work. It is exactly:
Asymmetrical Heat Remainder = Heat = Energy - Work.
according to the Law of Conservation of Energy

For Enclosability, the Asymmetrical Heat Remainder must be retained and reused by a Heat Engine, not expelled to the Pressure Envelope.