Carnot's assertions stated as Theorems.

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Important points made by Carnot. These illustrate that even though some fundamentals like
Materiality of Heat and Specific Heat of Volume were later disproved, the conclusions that
were drawn correctly made for a very complete explanation of Heat Engine operation.
Further, Heat Engine designs made from Carnot's conclusions were near optimal.


Carnot states this is self evident, and offered no proof.

Proof is quite simple. Take any vapor, divide into constrained volume. Apply the temperature difference, a pressure difference must be created. The basis for all vapor engines is achieved.

Carnot's other Theorems on Heat Engines

Theorem A: Any difference of temperature may be used to produce work (motion).

"Reflections" page 51, Sadi Carnot,
Chapter Motive Power of Heat
       We have already remarked upon this self-evident
       fact or fact which at least appears evident as soon
       as we reflect on the changes of volume occasioned
       by heat : wherever there exists a difference of temperature,
       motive-power can be produced. Reciprocally,
       wherever we can consume this power, it is
       possible to produce a difference of temperature,
       it is possible to occasion destruction of equilibrium
       in the caloric.

Proof: The proof of this is simple. Work is only produced via Volume Expansion. Any other operation of a heat engine cannot aid in Energy Conversion.

Credits: "Reflections" on Page 112, Sadi Carnot discusses his views of Maximum power of engines. The portion struck through is invalidated along with the Materiality of Heat theory.

Also, same page, section 1 would be struck through, if this was discussing only maximum energy conversion ratio (deliberately avoiding "efficiency"), but the topic of this paragraph is maximum power, which is energy times the ratio of energy conversion.

Theorem B: Heat Engines should only consume heat by volume expansion (not by Diffusion.)

"Reflections" page 51, Sadi Carnot,
Chapter Motive Power of Heat
 The necessary condition of the maximum is, then, that
 in the bodies employed to realize the motive power
 of heat there should not occur any change of temperature
 which may not be due to a change of volume.
"Reflections", page 112, Sadi Carnot
 (1) The temperature of the fluid should be made
 as high as possible, in order to obtain a great fall
 of caloric,, and consequently a large production of
 motive power.
 (2) For the same reason the cooling should be
 carried as far as possible.
 (3) It should be so arranged that the passage
 of the elastic fluid from the highest to the lowest
 temperature should be due to increase of volume;
 that is, it should be so arranged that the cooling of
 the gas should occur spontaneously as the effect of
 rarefaction. The limits of the temperature to
 which it is possible to bring the fluid primarily,,
 are simply the limits of the temperature obtainable
 by combustion ; they are very high.

Proof: The proof of this is again simple and the argument the same. Work is only produced via Volume Expansion. Any other operation of a heat engine cannot aid in Energy Conversion. Disbursing or diffusing heat is waste of energy that could have been converted to mechanical Work.

Also, same page, section 1 would be struck through, if this was discussing only maximum energy conversion ratio, but the topic of this paragraph is maximum power, which is energy times the ratio of energy conversion.

In page 56, he states the same idea more clearly. (If the reader understands "re-establishment of equilibrium" means the heat leaves the machine).

Theorem C: Disbursing or Diffusing Heat is wasted energy.

"Reflections", page 56, Sadi Carnot
Chapter Motive Power of Heat Since every re-establishment of equilibrium in the caloric may be the cause of the production of motive power, every re-establishment of equilibrium which shall be accomplished without production of this power should be considered as an actual loss. Now, very little reflection would show that all change of temperature which is not due to a change of volume of the bodies can be only a useless reestablishment of equilibrium in the caloric.
"Reflections", page 112, Sadi Carnot
Chapter Motive Power of Heat
   (1) The temperature of the fluid should be made
   as high as possible, in order to obtain a great fall
   of caloric,, and consequently a large production of
   motive power.
   (2) For the same reason the cooling should be
   carried as far as possible.
   (3) It should be so arranged that the passage
   of the elastic fluid from the highest to the lowest
   temperature should be due to increase of volume;
   that is, it should be so arranged that the cooling of
   the gas should occur spontaneously as the effect of
   rarefaction. The limits of the temperature to
   which it is possible to bring the fluid primarily,,
   are simply the limits of the temperature obtainable
   by combustion ; they are very high.

Proof again relies on the Law of Conservation of Momentum and Energy.

Carnot and Kelvin both clearly considered all Vapor engines reversible and hence capable of maximum heat conversion to motion. (And it is true all Engine cycles are as reversible as the Carnot Cycle.) It is interesting that Carnot also maintained the motive energy was independent of the machine.

Its hard to say what they considered, as they clearly did not consider that any heat engine in existence was not reversible. Kelvin mentions Thermo-electric devices as heat devices, but clearly they are not directly creating motion. Kelvin made no analysis of thermo-electricity in "Reflections".

While it is speculation, both men also adhered to the principle of conservation of energy, so it seems they considered reversibility of engine cycles proof of concepts, and did not seriously consider the possibility of another type of heat engine, so did not address it as a relevant prediction to make. In almost 200 years, no other heat engines have shown up.

Theorem D: The Motive Power of Heat is Independent of the means used.

"Reflections", page 12, Sadi Carnot Quoted by Editor
Chapter THE WORK OF SADI CARNOT. " La puissance motrice de la chaleur est independante des agents mis en oeuvre pour la realiser ; sa quantite est fixee uniquement par les temperatures des corps entre lesquels se fait, en dernier resultat, le transport du calorique." "The motive power of heat is independent agents used to realize; as its is fixed solely by the temperatures bodies between which is, as a last result, transport of heat. "

Proof lies in the text. For a machine to work with heat as fuel, it must produce a usable mechanical effect. Only vapors produce a significant effect from heat.

This was a bold prediction, but has withstood the test of time. It was made prior to 1824 when Sadi Carnot initially published his work in French. "Reflections" referred to was published decades later in English translation and the version of Reflections referred to was copyright 1897. In 2012, the claim stands.

The material doing all the work is a Vapor. Carnot points out the machine depends on the indestructible property of a vapor. Solids and to a lesser extent liquids can be broken down by mechanical effect. Vapors are "indestructible" up to temperatures where molecules start coming apart.

Theorem E: All Heat Engines will be Vapor Expansion Engines.

"Reflections", page 110-111, Sadi Carnot 
Chapter THE WORK OF SADI CARNOT. Since solid bodies are susceptible of little change of temperature through changes of volume, and since the condition of the most .effective employment of heat for the development of motive power is precisely that all change of temperature should be due to a change of volume, solid bodies appear but ill fitted to realize this power. The same remarks apply to liquids. The same reasons may be given for rejecting them.* We are not speaking now of practical difficulties. (page 111) They will be numberless. The motion produced by the dilatation and compression of solid or liquid bodies would only be very slight. In order to give them sufficient amplitude we should be forced to make use of complicated mechanisms. It would be necessary to employ materials of the greatest strength to transmit enormous pressure ; finally, the successive operations would be executed very slowly compared to those of the ordinary steam engine, so that apparatus of large dimensions and heavy cost would produce but very ordinary results.
page 111 continued.
The elastic fluids, gases or vapors, are the means
really adapted to the development of the motive
power of heat. They combine all the conditions
necessary to fulfil this office. They are easy to
compress ; they can be almost infinitely expanded ;
variations of volume occasion in them great
changes of temperature; and, lastly, they are very
mobile, easy to heat and to cool, easy to transport
from one place to another, which enables them to
produce rapidly the desired effects. We can easily
conceive a multitude of machines fitted to develop
the motive power of heat through the use of
elastic fluids ; but in whatever way we look at it,
we should not lose sight of the following principles:

Proof is the shape of the pressure curve and math. As stated, each of these volume changes begins at the same temperature, so will always produce the same temperature change.

While it falls short of producing the formula by which heat in vapor accumulates over progressive change, it identifies the dominant cause of Pressure and hence Work as the geometric change in volume must be met by an inverse change in density and hence Pressure.

The text continues to attribute the heat to "specific heat", but is otherwise correct, and the conclusion is correct. Pressure curves are logarithmic with volume.

Theorem F: Heat Generated or Consumed by Volume change is proportional to the Ratio of the Volume change, not the size of the volume.

"Reflections", page 110-111, Sadi Carnot 
Chapter THE WORK OF SADI CARNOT. The caloric in the specific heat of a gas caused by change of volume depends entirely on the ratio between the original volume and the altered volume. That is, the difference of the specific heats does not depend on the absolute magnitude of the volumes, but only on their ratio. This proposition might also be differently expressed,thus: When a gas increases in volume in geometrical progression, its specific heat increases in arithmetical progression. Thus, a being the specific heat of air taken at a given density, and a + h the specific heat for a density one half less, it will be, for a density equal to one quarter, a +2h; for a density equal to one eighth, a + 3h ; and so on.

Footnote: The flaws in "Carnot Theorems 1 and 2 on heat engine efficiency", "Carnot limit", "Carnot efficiency" all are perpetuated in part by the implication that Sadi Carnot authored them, as he is the father of the science of heat engines, and arguably of the science of thermodynamics. His "authorship" of these is a a misunderstanding.

By trying to give credit for the above theorems to Sadi Carnot and SIR WILLIAM THOMSON [LORD KELVIN], this publication runs the risk that this publication repeats history by attributing a misinterpretation of their work to be their intended meaning. Failing to credit them on the other hand, would be blatant plagiarism. Above it is attempted to tie the specific lessons of their work to the text from which the lessons are derived.

"Reflections" is not flawless, it contains errors any work would on discovering laws of an entirely new branch of science. Primarily, these relate to Materiality of Heat, Specific Heat of Volume. See this chapter's page on disproved theorems for more.